One of the most critical things that can lead to the upliftment and lasting change, is to be able to recognize when you feel bad. For many, we adapt slowly over time to dissatisfaction, disappointment, and delays in dream fulfillment. It doesn’t register in our consciousness that we are unhappy or unfulfilled. Until, one day, we reach a very low point. The habit of just accepting negative emotion into our beings does not have to be our status quo. We convince ourselves that this is normal and expected and that we just have to get used to it. Let’s take a look at the habit you may not realize you have.
Shifting Away From Joy And Peace
But in truth, it is not normal and we do not need to expect it. In fact, our basic truth is joy and peace and we should not need to expect anything less. So, learning to tell when we are shifting away from joy and peace to negative emotions like disappointment and dissatisfaction would be a good bit of awareness to have built into our beings.
If you can tell when you start to feel bad, you also sync up your consciousness to be a player in identifying and changing the course of what happens next. For example, how the negative thing that has entered your space can or will affect you. When you become conscious that you have begun to feel bad, then you naturally begin to self-inquire about why you have let anything other than your intention into your experience. The faster you become conscious of non-alignment with your intentions, the faster you can make a choice. And, the faster you can change your direction and get back on track to your joy and fulfillment.
Choose Consciousness
When you choose consciousness, when you begin to sense the change of your inner emotional landscape, then you are no longer a victim of the external forces that previously influenced such negative emotion within you. This is when it becomes clear that the negative feeling came from allowing in a negative thought, feeling, or intention. You can call forth the truth that you have the power to choose not to let it in where it can affect you.
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