Emotional Intelligence Work
Beyond EQ or EI
CYNTHIA SHEPHERD is a Master Certified Life Coach specializing in helping people obtain a deep level of inner peace by developing their emotional intelligence (EI or EQ, per the industry standard abbreviation). She works closely with people who are committed to self-improvement and emotional well-being, guiding them through the necessary emotional work to achieve profound inner peace.

What is Emotional Intelligence?
Emotional Intelligence (EQ or EI) is the level at which we cultivate our emotional responses and are able to successfully navigate life’s experiences. It involves overcoming our familial and cultural programming to handle things maturely and appropriately, essentially creating new, wiser personal defaults. It is important for us to find ways to achieve emotional intelligence and evolve our wisdom into practical application.
While the discussions in the world about emotional intelligence seem to be most prevalent in corporate environments, emotional intelligence is for everyone, all the time, in every situation of life. We would like to move the discussions about EI beyond its normal dialog and focus on including every facet of life and our beings. Why would we limit this to our corporate interactions when our lives are rich and full of a variety of things that all require our attention? It would be highly beneficial if those interactions left us satisfied, fulfilled, and at peace.
The idea that peace is intermingled with emotional intelligence is not usually a part of the emotional intelligence conversation. Yet, when you master the skills wrapped up in emotional intelligence, learn the tools and techniques, and then apply them, the results inevitably deliver to you a deep inner peace. You will realize that you can handle whatever comes your way, which brings you additional confidence and peace, and then this ripples forward to your mastery of life situations.
This leads to one of the most important ideas that we need to understand: peace is the best measurement of emotional intelligence. A person can be highly intelligent and have a low peace IQ or be emotionally savvy in some areas of life but an emotional mess in others.

What is Your Peace IQ?
- How at peace are you in your thoughts, in your emotions, in your skin?
- Do you have a level of anxiety that flits around inside of you, that lies dormant until stirred, or eats away at you continually, perhaps raging when certain topics come up?
- Do you turn into an emotional wreck when you are put in certain situations, or do you sit back and consider where you are in relation to what you want to achieve in life?
- Are there areas of your life that are devoid of peace?
- How does one organize thoughts about emotions?
- How does one navigate emotions in a beneficial way?
Or have you found a way to remain at peace no matter what is coming at you?
These questions and more can help you achieve new levels of inner peace and improved well-being.
Emotional Intelligence Work
Beyond EQ or EI
CYNTHIA SHEPHERD is a Master Certified Life Coach specializing in helping people obtain a deep level of inner peace by developing their emotional intelligence (EI or EQ, per the industry standard abbreviation). She works closely with people who are committed to self-improvement and emotional well-being, guiding them through the necessary emotional work to achieve profound inner peace.

What is Emotional Intelligence?
Emotional Intelligence (EQ or EI) is the level at which we cultivate our emotional responses and are able to successfully navigate life’s experiences. It involves overcoming our familial and cultural programming to handle things maturely and appropriately, essentially creating new, wiser personal defaults. It is important for us to find ways to achieve emotional intelligence and evolve our wisdom into practical application.
While the discussions in the world about emotional intelligence seem to be most prevalent in corporate environments, emotional intelligence is for everyone, all the time, in every situation of life. Discussions about EI need to be elevated to include every facet of life and our beings. Why would we limit this to our corporate interactions when our lives are rich and full of a variety of things that all require our attention? It would be highly beneficial if those interactions left us satisfied, fulfilled, and at peace.
The idea that peace is intermingled with emotional intelligence is not usually a part of the emotional intelligence conversation. Yet, when you master the skills wrapped up in emotional intelligence, learn the tools and techniques, and then apply them, the results inevitably deliver to you a deep inner peace. You will realize that you can handle whatever comes your way, which brings you additional confidence and peace, and then this ripples forward to your mastery of life situations.
This leads to one of the most important ideas that we need to understand: peace is the best measurement of emotional intelligence. A person can be highly intelligent and have a low peace IQ or be emotionally savvy in some areas of life but an emotional mess in others.

What is Your Peace IQ?
- How at peace are you in your thoughts, in your emotions, in your skin?
- Do you have a level of anxiety that flits around inside of you, that lies dormant until stirred, or eats away at you continually, perhaps raging when certain topics come up?
- Do you turn into an emotional wreck when you are put in certain situations, or do you sit back and consider where you are in relation to what you want to achieve in life?
- Are there areas of your life that are devoid of peace?
- How do you organize thoughts about emotions?
- How do you navigate emotions in a beneficial way?
- Have you found a way to remain at peace no matter what is coming at you?
These questions and more can help you achieve new levels of inner peace and improved well-being.